Transformational Leadership
08 hours (Content varies in accordance with needs of clients)
General objective:
to awaken and strengthen the leader we all have inside, building knowledge based on the characteristics of our real self and the fake self we have built.
To come up with ideas that help us build knowledge together. The facilitator-coach brings about -by asking questions- analysis, reflection and discussion of paradigms that make possible to reach self-fulfillment for human beings, which allows them to become leaders of their own lives and their surroundings.
Participants work individually, in pairs and groups in the development of practical cases and the solution of situations. We deal with creating their individual mission and profile; addressing situations to assess how they are using the space between stimulus and response; completing an inventory of the four intelligences; understanding the workings of cells and their implications on leadership; filling out the inventory of trust, among others.
· To explore the causes of situations leaders face in organizations
· To know how these situations come about in organizations and influence their culture
· To understand and think about human needs and motivation
· To realize that the most powerful motivation comes from within
· To define the Whole Person Paradigm, the reason to be and the purpose of work
· To direct efforts in the development of our four intelligences
· To identify and work in the development of the essential qualities of a personal leader: vision, passion, discipline and consciousness
· To unleash human potential and talent: modeling
12 hours (Content varies according to needs of clients)
General Objective:
To organize teamwork and understand, plan, align and assess work to reach goals that are suitable to the mission, vision and values of the corporation.
To come up with ideas that help us build knowledge together. The facilitator-coach brings about -by asking questions and listening actively- analysis, reflection and discussion of the fundamental principles used to work with others, such as interdependency, cooperation and diversity. These principles will be used in group work assignments to address fundamental tasks of teams in any organization, such as: problem solution that imply going beyond the immediate functions of each member; structures, systems and current processes; establishing challenges; mission, vision and values; alignment of objectives and goals of each member; follow-up of objectives/goals; and feedback, among others.
To experience and practice emphatic listening to achieve bonding of team members and reach corporate objectives
To become acquainted with and practice building a culture of trust: identification brings about participation
To learn how to align people with criteria from the mission, vision and strategic plan of the corporation and practice alignment of team members
To recognize empowerment as a means to unleash human potential and practice empowering technics

Languages: English and Spanish
60 academic hours per level
General Objective:
To work with participants applying the flipped classroom approach through the implementation of blended courses:
· 50% distant learning and 50% face to face classes, or,
· 50% distant learning and 50% classes through Skype, to be able to develop the four communicative skills needed to master the language (speaking and understanding, writing and reading)
The paradigm that we use in language courses is “Teach to Learn” with participants playing an active role in their learning process while using the tools and resources provided by the facilitator in their classes and through the Edmodo social learning network.
The philosophy of this method has been developed, improved and practiced for over 20 years in traditional face-to-face classes. However, we have enhanced learning through the flipped classroom approach, the structure of interesting lessons developed by Valuenet Servicios and the support provided by Edmodo, the free social learning network.
All this makes possible for participants to sharpen key leadership skills needed for effectively implement distant learning, providing benefits such as flexibility, and better performance in the learning process.
08 - 16 hours (Content varies according to needs of clients)
General Objective:
To discover the leadership style of the manager coach and plan this management style implementation in the organization through action plans.
We come up with ideas that help us build knowledge together. The facilitator-coach brings about -by asking questions- analysis, reflection and discussion to learn, practice and develop the skills of a coach, as well as the methodology to align teams, in order to improve performance and achieve objectives.
Participants work individually, in pairs and groups in the development of cases of study and their possible solutions in situations such as Dynamics for Emphatic Communications; Feedback Group Dynamics; Development of Skills to Observe Context and Acknowledge Current Reality; Development of Skills to Identify Needs or Problems that Require Attention; and, Development of a Sharp Capacity of Reflection; among others.
· To discover coaching and the leadership style of the manager-coach
· To learn, practice and develop key skills of coaching
· To design effective coaching communications
· To implement coaching techniques, to meet goals and improve performance
To plan the implementation of coaching in the organization through development of action plans

16 hours (Content varies in accordance with needs of clients)
General Objetive:
To develop the skills of a successful negotiator and practice useful tactics and counter-tactics for negotiation interactions and processes in the organization.
The facilitator-coach provides individual participation, in pairs and groups to create practical cases and completing activities to develop skills and practice useful tactics and counter-tactics for negotiations.
To identify strengths and areas for development in negotiation management
To define the stages of a negotiation and identify the key ingredients to become a skillful negotiator
To learn and practice tactics and counter-tactics for effective negotiations
To understand what power is and what are its sources
To highlight the importance of managing time and information
To be able to identify the dominant personality style of our counterpart and build empathy
To know the importance of body language and the meaning of some body language and face expressions
To enhance our training experience through Video-Feedback

08 hours (Content varies according to needs of clients)
General Objective:
To become aware of the benefits a person receives when discovers that she can build a reality of abundance for herself and for her clients as she nurtures her leader within and serves others fully.
To come up with ideas that help us build knowledge together. The facilitator-coach brings about -by asking questions- analysis, reflection and discussion of the paradigms that make possible for human beings to reach self-fulfillment, allowing them to become leaders of their own lives and their surroundings.
Participants work individually, in pairs and groups to develop practical cases and finding solutions of situations such as the Whole Person Paradigm to understand context; Moments of Truth and myself; who is responsible? Communication and empathy, among others.
To give participants tools to communicate, in order to perform effectively in their interactions with customers
To understand communication as a tool to create and perform a leadership role base on cooperation and service.
To learn and analyze basic concepts about human nature and motivational processes
To realize that the most powerful and lasting motivation comes from within
Quality Service

Finance for Non-Financiers
16 hours (Content varies according to needs of clients)
General Objective:
Participants work individually, in pairs and groups to learn concepts and terminology related with finance, as well as the means to assess the impact of financial decisions.
The learning experience in this course allows participants to grasp accounting fundamentals, basic concepts of our modern financial world, the most relevant financial instruments and the institutions that make possible investment.
Specific Objectives:
To understand basic accounting concepts and learn about the main financial statements of a company as well as their content, structure and practical use
To learn the main accounting and finance indexes, their classification and how to calculate them
To identify funding options for a company and the basic characteristics of some of the financial instruments that serve such purpose
To understand the time value of money
To grasp the concept of opportunity cost of capital and understand how it is calculated

08 hours (Content varies according to needs of clients)
General Objective:
To explore and develop skills of emotional leadership to assertively interact with others and be able to achieve personal objectives and organizational goals.
To come up with ideas that help us build knowledge together. The facilitator-coach brings about -by asking questions- analysis, reflection and discovery of emotions. This process helps each participant to become aware of her emotional leadership to be successful and happier, reach objectives and improve performance, through self- motivation, stress management, conflict resolution, among other skills.
Participants work individually, in pairs and groups in developing practical cases and finding solutions to situations such as Emotional Self-Awareness: Moving Toward, Moving Away; Assertiveness: Getting your Point Across; Empathy: Mixed Emotions; Stress Tolerance: Centered Deep Breathing; among others.
Provide techniques that help become aware of emotional leadership and its effect in human relationships
Promote the development of intrapersonal skills to be more effective and have emotional control